
Archive for February, 2011

New House

Well, not exactly a new house, but new to us, ish, we’ve been here for three months which have really flown by, with not time to think much about crafting while we’re sorting it out. I do miss my loft studio, but I have a bedroom to myself as a studio here, it just isn’t quite organised yet. Every time I think I’m getting somewhere, something comes up, like needing somewhere to store the new kitchen units, or put the contents of the kitchen  while we fit the units, but at last it looks as if  I’m going to be able to  clear out all the other stuff and get my room sorted, as the kitchen is nearly finished.

One great thing is that the new house is right opposite a community hall which is going to be the home to a new art and crafts group that I’ve joined , Articulate. Couldn’t be more convenient for me, and it sounds like it’s going to be fun. A chance to learn even more crafts and techniques, and to make more friends in the arts and crafts world.

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